Immune system
Our immune system lives in a constant, delicate but dynamic balance. It is important to try to boost its ability to respond to attacks from external pathogens (such as viruses and bacteria) or simply provide it with all the trace elements it needs to function at its best. For the prevention of ailments, whether seasonal or not, nature offers us many phytoextracts, capable of 'strengthening' the immune defences and raising the barriers that serve to protect us.
YAMAMOTO RESEARCHCertified Cordyceps CS-4® medicinal mushroom to support the body's natural defences
YAMAMOTO RESEARCHMedicinal mushroom enriched with Vitamin C to support immune function and with a tonic effect
YAMAMOTO RESEARCH50 μg of Vitamin D3 per daily dose to promote the health of your bones and immune system
YAMAMOTO RESEARCHSupport your immune system and fight stress thanks to the phytotherapeutic properties of Astragalus
YAMAMOTO NUTRITIONGlow with health with Vitamin D, the essential micronutrient for an active and fit life.
YAMAMOTO RESEARCHPowerful anti-inflammatory action, beneficial and protective against ageing
YAMAMOTO RESEARCHFunctional support for your immune system in the FORTE version, rich in natural extracts for the body's defences
YAMAMOTO NUTRITIONPotent formula containing 1000 mg of vitamin C per tablet, to boost the immune system, fight free radicals and increase energy and vitality.