Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy for our bodies. Technically called carbohydrates, they are organic compounds that are indispensable to our bodies. Supplements of this essential macronutrient can be divided between those based on simple carbohydrates, which are recommended for restoring glycogen reserves at the end of training, and those based on complex carbohydrates (such as maltodextrins), which when taken before or during physical activity provide the body with constant energy. Normally, a carbohydrate intake of 5-7g/kg bw/day is recommended for those who exercise regularly, while for the support of intense training the quota can go up to 7-10g/kg bw/day. The requirement is however strictly personal and depends on many factors, related to the sport practised and the individual athlete.
YAMAMOTO NUTRITIONThe ideal drink designed for maximum plastic and energy efficiency, to be sipped before, during and after performance
YAMAMOTO NUTRITION100% highly branched cyclic cyclodextrins for rapid and constant release of glucose into the bloodstream
YAMAMOTO NUTRITIONThe post-workout that combines the best elements for maximum muscle support after training, developed in collaboration with Flex Lewis
YAMAMOTO NUTRITION100% glucose, a source of pure, fast-absorbing carbohydrates to best support performance
YAMAMOTO NUTRITIONMaintain your optimal performance over time with the help of Legionarius, the support for energy and concentration.