Ultra WHEY WPC S Evo is the 100% concentrated whey protein, with a very high biological value and instant solubility, enriched with Bacillus spores to ensure maximum nutrient assimilation and vitamin B6 to support energy metabolism.
Production using micro- and ultrafiltration processes results in a Whey with a high protein value (70-85%).
UltraWHEY WPC S Evo naturally contains all the essential amino acids (EAA) and branched chain amino acids (BCAA), as well as various compounds only characteristic of this type of protein. WPCs (Whey Protein Concentrate) contain much higher levels of growth factors, phospholipids, bioactive lipids and often also immunoglobulins and lactoferrin. They are rapidly absorbed proteins with a good digestive speed (45 minutes to 1 hour), which makes them versatile in use.
UltraWHEY WPC S Evo is a protein that can in fact be used to enrich breakfasts, snacks and snacks, has a good taste and is very satiating.
Protein powder is suitable for meeting daily protein requirements, both for athletes with high protein needs and for sedentary people who want to enrich snacks and breakfasts.
Proteins, in fact, contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass, have a plastic function (i.e. they participate in tissue repair and construction), constitute hormones and enzymes, act as transporters and participate, in the form of antibodies, in immune activities.
In addition, maintaining a correct protein intake helps avoid muscle catabolism, the process of muscle tissue destruction that can occur due to a lack of sufficient nutrients to cover the body's needs.
But why choose a whey protein concentrate?
WPCs have a full amino acid profile of EAAs and BCAAs and high levels of Valine, Isoleucine and Leucine**, which are significantly lower in plant-based proteins (as shown in the chart below). The total amount of essential (and non-essential) amino acids is also higher in whey protein concentrate than in protein from other sources.