
720 g

Maintain your optimal performance over time with the help of Legionarius, the support for energy and concentration.

  • Based on isomaltulose with added BCAAs, coconut water, magnesium and potassium in citrate form
  • Palatinose™ and CocoMineral® certification
  • Constant energy support without glycaemic peaks
  • BCAAs with excellent and rapid water solubility leading to maximisation of their absorption (98+%)
  • Anti-catabolic and energising function when taken before and during physical activity
  • Helps restore organic physiological conditions altered by excessive sweating
£17.83 £27.43
Immediate availability Express delivery 1-3 days

Legionarius is a dietary supplement of Palatinose® isomaltulose and branched amino acids in a 2:1:1 ratio from vegetable fermentation with added coconut water and salts in citrated form.
The product is enriched with magnesium and potassium, which contribute to normal muscle function, and with vitamins B6 and B12, which together with magnesium contribute to normal energy metabolism and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

In order to maintain prolonged performance without physical or concentration drops, it is necessary for the athlete to have constant energy support, avoiding dehydration as much as possible. Yamamoto® Nutrition's mission has always been the search for the most effective products created from excellent raw materials and designed to meet the needs of athletes of all levels. Thanks to meticulous collaboration with professional athletes, continuous listening to their needs and the collaboration between the international MMA champion Alessio Sakara and Dr Gabriele Trapani (Director of the Research and Development Department, Yamamoto® Nutrition) we have created Legionarius, a supplement that supports the intense and prolonged training sessions typical of fighters and all combat disciplines, cross trainers, triathletes, marathon runners, cyclists and bodybuilding enthusiasts.

The professional is a ‘holistic athlete’, working intensively on an aerobic and anaerobic basis, combining reactivity with athletic gesture. He therefore needs to maintain his endurance for prolonged periods without drops in energy, concentration or digestive disorders. In addition, he must be able to recover as quickly as possible.

Legionarius is a Special Edition developed on the requirements directly indicated by the profound experience of a champion of the calibre of Alessio Sakara. Our research and development department has therefore focused on the most important criticalities that can occur during training or in a competition, to create a product designed ‘by athletes for athletes’.

Legionarius is a mixture of elements to be taken during training (through your own water bottle or flask) that allows you to create a gradual surge of energy to support the muscles involved in exertion thanks to

  • Isomaltulose Palatinose™ (carbohydrates with certified efficiency)
  • Highly soluble branched-chain amino acids from plant fermentation
  • Mineral salts in citrate form
  • Coconut water

In order to achieve the best energy yield, the athlete must introduce fuel of high nutritional value and well-tolerated by the body during a delicate phase such as performance.

Isomaltulose Palatinose™

Isomaltulose (Palatinose™), is a disaccharide sugar with a low glycaemic index whose molecule is formed by combining two monosaccharide sugars, glucose and fructose. It is a natural sugar found in small quantities in honey and cane sugar, which has a sweetening power of 45-50% compared to sucrose (white sugar). It is recently finding increasing application as an ingredient in sports drinks due to its interesting properties. Characterised by a very gradual absorption and release process into the blood stream, isomaltulose has a moderate glycaemic curve over time, with no peaks or sudden drops that can occur with other carbohydrate sources (glucose or malt dextrins). It has therefore proven to be a slow-release energy source that can support the body during even very prolonged training sessions. Thanks to its structural characteristics, as well as not raising blood sugar and insulin levels excessively, it does not lead to the onset of gastrointestinal disorders such as fermentation phenomena, nausea, osmotic diarrhoea, providing constant energy and hydration thanks to a reduced osmolarity.

Branched amino acids

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are known and appreciated by both power and endurance athletes. They are three of the essential amino acids:

  • Leucine
  • Valine
  • Isoleucine

Three substances that our body cannot produce on its own and must introduce through food. BCAAs are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa and, via the blood, pass as free amino acids directly into the tissues. Unlike other amino acids, they are metabolised directly in the muscles, without being broken down or rebuilt by the liver. BCAAs have always been used in sports because they represent a large portion of the essential amino acids present in human muscles. They are taken to counteract training-induced muscle breakdown (catabolism) and are potentially beneficial in power and endurance sports both as support for the muscles and to help counteract the onset of fatigue. During long sessions of intense physical activity it is easy to be close to depleting muscle glycogen. When this happens, you enter a state of energy ‘emergency’, so the body will use an alternative energy reserve, activating the enzyme involved in the oxidation of BCAAs in the muscle. It will then tap into the muscle protein source, to the detriment of performance itself and muscle recovery.

Mineral salts, electrolytes, coconut water

In addition to balancing blood sugar, which we have already discussed, another factor is also crucial for athletes: hydration. Excessive fluid depletion can, in fact, be detrimental to performance and health. All it takes to alter performance is to exceed the threshold of 2% of the initial body mass of lost and uncompensated fluids. When this threshold is exceeded, the main physiological changes that can be observed are a series of disturbances that go beyond a drop in performance. I'm talking about an accelerated degree of psychophysical fatigue, an increase in temperature, heart rate (due to a reduced circulating blood volume), glycogen consumption, altered metabolic functions, gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, cognitive disturbances, to the point of collapse. It is therefore clear that maintaining a good electrolyte balance before, during and after a performance is crucial. Thanks to the LEGIONARIUS drink, dehydration can be counteracted by supplying valuable supporting elements such as:

  • Electrolytes
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Chlorine

In addition, there is the added value of a natural pool of microelements with high rehydrating power such as coconut water, which help to stay properly hydrated and prevent cramps caused by intense sweating or activities carried out at high temperatures.

Yamamoto® Nutrition si affida solo ed esclusivamente a materie prime certificate e accreditate.
Materie prime certificate di grado A per il BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8 e prodotte in strutture registrate da Informed-Sport.
La materia prima una volta arrivata in Italia viene sottoposta a severi test di qualità.
I lotti vengono campionati e testati per poi procedere alla realizzazione del prodotto finito secondo normative e produzione in stabilimenti Italiani.
Oltre ad analisi su intolleranze come glutine e lattosio.


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Mohamed Saat1, Rabindarjeet Singh, Roland Gamini Sirisinghe, Mohd Nawawi

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£17.83 £27.43