Massimiliano Febbi
Dehydration and mineral salts: role and functions
Dehydration and mineral salts: role and functions
Hydration has always played an important role in sports performance, injury prevention and recovery after training sessions or competitions, both for athletes involved in sports or competitive competitions and at an amateur level. It is extremely important that athletes and coaches understand the risks of dehydration and how to replenish the water and mineral salts lost with sports performance in the right quantities...
The diseases of well-being
The diseases of well-being
Economic prosperity and the improvement of the quality of life can be seen as a natural process of evolution: however, it leads to an increase in the incidence of various diseases, which can be defined as 'diseases of well-being'. But what are they? And how can we reduce the risk of developing them? Find out with us in this article...
Physiology and nutrition of altitude training
Physiology and nutrition of altitude training
For endurance athletes, extreme temperatures and altitude can affect normal physiological responses to exercise and, in some cases, sports performance is adversely affected. The purpose of this article is to understand the physiology of high altitude training and learn any nutritional adjustments that can be implemented to best ensure athletic performance...
injury recovery
Recovery as a new science at the service of the athlete
Recovery as a new science at the service of the athlete
Recovery from training is certainly one of the most important phases for an athlete: without optimal recovery there can be no optimal performance. Furthermore, recovery is also essential for general well-being. Discover with us how to optimize this important process...
Open water swimming between training, nutrition and supplementation
Open water swimming between training, nutrition and supplementation
Called "bottom swimming", open water swimming includes all manifestations in open water such as rivers, lakes and seas. It is precisely the open waters that entail considerable difficulties for the athlete, who must be able to manage changing environmental conditions and prolonged anaerobic performance. Find out with us how these athletes can achieve the maximum thanks to the help of nutrition and supplementation...
active ingredients
Anxiety and mood disorders: nutraceutical in our help
Anxiety and mood disorders: nutraceutical in our help
More and more daily life, especially in this historical period, subjects us to situations that push our body and also our mind to increasingly harsh and exhausting tests. Let’s see together in this article how nutraceutical can come in our support, with natural phytoextracts that can relieve depressive symptoms, anxiety and stress...
injury recovery
Injury prevention: posture and stretching
Injury prevention: posture and stretching
Injury prevention: posture and stretching...
team sports
Paralympic Sport: integration, nutrition and performance
Paralympic Sport: integration, nutrition and performance
Paralympic Sport: integration, nutrition and performance...
injury recovery
Collagen, injury prevention and increased performance
Collagen, injury prevention and increased performance
Collagen is fundamental for our body, it is the second most abundant substance after water and represents about 30% of total protein. It provides structural support for organs and soft tissues (including joints) and, as we age, our body produces less and less of it, causing aging of joints, loss of skin elasticity and loss of lean mass. This shows that the preservation/stimulation of collagen in joints and skin is an integral part of healthy ageing...
for muscle mass
Intensity in training, supplementation and muscle anabolism
Intensity in training, supplementation and muscle anabolism
Is there a certain and unique way for muscle growth? What are the levers that can be used to achieve the best muscle anabolism results? And what are the supplements needed...
cross training
Cross training | What is it, false myths, truth
Cross training | What is it, false myths, truth
What is Cross training and what are the false myths and truths about this discipline?It is one of the most popular sports in recent years, what is the secret of this success...