Hydration has always played an important role in sports performance, injury prevention and recovery after training sessions or competitions, both for athletes involved in sports or competitive competitions and at an amateur level. It is extremely important that athletes and coaches understand the risks of dehydration and how to replenish the water and mineral salts lost with sports performance in the right quantities...
Economic prosperity and the improvement of the quality of life can be seen as a natural process of evolution: however, it leads to an increase in the incidence of various diseases, which can be defined as 'diseases of well-being'. But what are they? And how can we reduce the risk of developing them? Find out with us in this article...
Vitamin C - dietary sources, requirements and deficiencies
Author: Federica Federici
Vitamin C - dietary sources, requirements and deficiencies
Author: Federica Federici
One of the best-known micronutrients is certainly vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. It is a water-soluble vitamin, i.e. it is able to dissolve in water and cannot accumulate in the body. Consequently, we must take it through our diet. But where can we find it? How much do we need to take? Let's find out together...
Water retention | Effective tips for draining excess liquids
Author: Gabriele Trapani
Water retention | Effective tips for draining excess liquids
Author: Gabriele Trapani
Many women suffer from water retention, a nuisance that affects mostly legs, thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Let's see what are the best remedies and tips to limit the appearance of water retention and cellulite starting from their analysis...
Mineral salts: because I risk not getting enough with food
Author: Federica Federici
Mineral salts: because I risk not getting enough with food
Author: Federica Federici
You have most likely already heard the term micronutrients: in nutrition it is used to indicate precisely "smaller" nutrients that can be found in the foods we consume every day. These are vitamins and minerals, essential and to be introduced with the diet. But are we sure we're getting enough...
Cholesterol and triglycerides under control thanks to natural extracts
Author: Federica Federici
Cholesterol and triglycerides under control thanks to natural extracts
Author: Federica Federici
Nowadays cardiovascular diseases are among the main causes of mortality and disability in Western and developing countries. Prevention, largely underutilized, could significantly reduce the spread of cardiovascular disease. But how is prevention done? What are the natural remedies available to us...
Among the most widespread and well-known ailments worldwide, the cold is a disease of viral origin that affects millions of people every year: extremely contagious, it is almost always completely reversible but still very annoying. Let's find out together what are the symptoms, the causes and above all the treatment to speed up healing and help our body prevent its onset...
Is it really important to get enough sleep to sustain performance?
Author: Federica Federici
Is it really important to get enough sleep to sustain performance?
Author: Federica Federici
Sleep is a physiological necessity that is opposed to the state of wakefulness. Sleeping is resting: therefore allowing our body to recover from all the stimuli and efforts that occur during the day. But how can a good rest influence training results and improve performance? Find out with us in this article...
Ginger, a root that has always been used as a natural remedy for nausea and vomiting, is a spice known for its culinary uses as well as for its health implications. To date, there are over 400 bioactive components obtained from this root with a spicy, almost balsamic and spicy flavor. But what are these compounds? And what are the health effects? You just have to find out with us...
Aloe is a plant belonging to the vast Aloaceae family, perennial plants with succulent leaves originating from different regions of Africa, well known and appreciated for its various uses. It is used for the production of creams, gels and food supplements. But what are all these fantastic properties due to? Does it really work? Find out with us in this article...
Summer with the baby bump. Beating the heat and staying healthy
Author: Federica Federici
Summer with the baby bump. Beating the heat and staying healthy
Author: Federica Federici
Pregnancy is a period as wonderful as it is delicate, a very important step in a woman's life, which certainly needs special attention. Especially in the summer, the fall can be an enemy for the health of the expectant mother. Let's see in this article how to win it and how to best face this season...
Glycemia, glycemic index, glycemic load: let's be clear
Author: Federica Federici
Glycemia, glycemic index, glycemic load: let's be clear
Author: Federica Federici
We often hear about blood sugar, the glycemic index of foods and the glycemic load of the meal. But what do these terms mean? And why are they so frightening? As often happens, everything related to the sugar world is demonized. In this article we will try together to understand what these concepts mean, if and when they should worry us and how to learn how to manage carbohydrates in a functional and intelligent way...
Prebiotics, probiotics and intestinal bacterial flora | Complete guide
Author: Gabriele Trapani The guide for understanding how intestinal health and intestinal flora work, explaining in detail what they are, what they are used for and when lactic, probiotic and prebiotic cultures should be taken.
Author: Gabriele Trapani All those who weight train are obsessively bound to the pleasant feeling of pump: is it only the power of "suggestion" or is pump really an important factor for muscle growth?
Author: Staff Iafnetwork Mr. Olympia is the title given to the winner of the professional bodybuilding contest. Results of the most important event in the world of bodybuilding and fitness, held in Las Vegas on 18-19-20 September 2015 at Orleans Arena.