Exercises for the adductor muscles serve to tone and define the inner thigh. Here's what adductors are, what they are for, and three perfect exercises for those who want to train these muscles to the fullest...
Cross training | Introduction for Beginners and Full-Body Workout
Author: Alice Mastriani
Cross training | Introduction for Beginners and Full-Body Workout
Author: Alice Mastriani
Cross training workouts for beginners are similar to those for experienced Cross training atheletes but shorter, or less intense. In this post, we introduce the world of Cross training with two basic full-body workouts designed for beginners...
Glute-Ham Raise | Execution and variants to try at home
Author: Alice Mastriani
Glute-Ham Raise | Execution and variants to try at home
Author: Alice Mastriani
The glute-ham raise (GHR) is one of the excellent exercises to train the back muscles of the legs, the glutes, and the muscles of the lower back. Let's see all the variations to do at home...
Prebiotics, probiotics and intestinal bacterial flora | Complete guide
Author: Gabriele Trapani The guide for understanding how intestinal health and intestinal flora work, explaining in detail what they are, what they are used for and when lactic, probiotic and prebiotic cultures should be taken.
Author: Gabriele Trapani All those who weight train are obsessively bound to the pleasant feeling of pump: is it only the power of "suggestion" or is pump really an important factor for muscle growth?
Author: Staff Iafnetwork Mr. Olympia is the title given to the winner of the professional bodybuilding contest. Results of the most important event in the world of bodybuilding and fitness, held in Las Vegas on 18-19-20 September 2015 at Orleans Arena.